Welcome to my blog on glass, colours, inspiration and general waffle!

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Today is a sheep day

I've had a commission for ages. It's for a friend of mine, who wanted 6 sheep mobile charms. They're needed by the end of the week, so today is a sheep day :-)

Lampwork sheep bead


  1. OMG.. Julie the lil sheepie is SOOOOOOOO cute!! I'm sure your friend is going to love them :) xox

  2. Thanks, Keiara :-) There are 4 more in the kiln cooling down at the mo, let's hope I managed to get their tiny little eyes and noses on reasonably straight :-D

  3. Oooooh, I LOVE him, he's so cute!

  4. Hi Julie, love the sheep :o) Tagged you on my blog - that might get you blogging again? ;o)

  5. Oooh, you hit a tender spot there, Sabine :-D Haven't been a good girl keeping up, have I? Right, shall get to it - off to have a looksie!
